The Dog

I saw a big, ugly, black dog I look at it and it looked at me. Then I scared it by saying meow and it ran way. A week later I never seen it again but suddenly something was in front of me I thought it was my grandmother and I said go home grandmother its cold out here but something was weird because it looked like the dog I saw a week ago but it was brown. I got so scared that I said meow but it didn’t work so I said bark and then it ran ways and I never seen it again.

By Justina

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7 Responses to The Dog

  1. Tom says:

    Good story Justina! Remember to use full stops, speech marks and the correct case letters when needed!

  2. :) says:

    Interesting story, Justina. You have an interesting story line. You have created some suspense. Well done

  3. Great piece of work Justina, Although I like dogs and dog don’t run away at the sound of cats but I really loved your story and hope to see more. Well done
    Mitchell Warren St Andrews School South Australia

  4. Mrs. Stading says:

    This is a great start! I can’t wait to see you grow as a writer this year!

  5. Mrs. P says:

    I really like the story. I think dogs in the village are afraid of the cats. Did the dog look like he knew you?

  6. Dr. Lisa (Team 100WC) says:


    This is an interesting story. I love that you tried to scare the dog away from you with a meow. I think its fascinating when cats hiss and dogs back off.

    I would like to challenge you for your next challenge to think about full stops and punctuation. Sometimes it helps to read your work out loud to make the sentences flow better.

    Keep writing!

  7. Kelli Hickman says:

    Your story is great. I like the fact that the dog is scared of the cat even though it is usually the other way around.

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