Bob the gecko

Bob, the Gecko
Bob was a tiny green psychotic gecko who liked to blow up things. He had dynamite. Then one day he couldn’t find it. He went crazy, he found all kinds of explosive’s.
He exploded stores and villages then cities. It was war. But he never killed anyone. He saw a boy playing a piano. Bob listened to the notes he played then he went to his cave to sleep.
Bob went to sleep He woke up and he couldn’t think. Bob saw the boy then grabbed some dynamite and blew up the piano. Bob wasn’t crazy anymore. He said” sorry for blowing up your piano”.
By Zachary

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2 Responses to Bob the gecko

  1. Mrs. P says:

    Well. I guess the prompt was something about a piano. I think pianos shouldn’t be imploded because, if played correctly, they can be really beautiful.

  2. Hello Zachary,

    Bob the Gecko seems bit like Crazy Harry for the Muppet Show, both liked to blow things up. I think Bob seems to have changed by the end of the story. Perhaps he simple hadn’t liked hearing the piano playing. 🙂

    One small tip, explosives shouldn’t have had an apostrophe.

    I hope you keep entering the 100WC so we can read more about Bibthe gecko.

    @RossMannell (team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

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