The Lost Car

Once upon a time a long ago lost car was found to have a virus. The CIA took over the case for the car was deathly and many would die. The CIA was looking for convincing evidence because it was a very important case. The criminal made the car small so the car would explode when someone touched the car with their bare hands. So this was a terrorist case.

The car was found by the zookeeper near the lions. The zookeeper took it out with gloves and gave it to the CIA; they investigated and found someone:
Jeffery Gabe

To be continued!

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One Response to The Lost Car

  1. Mrs. Stading says:

    Nicely done, Junior. I still think ‘deadly’ would work better than ‘deathly’ when you describe the car, but you’re the author! It will be interesting to read your continued story.

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