The Melting Chocolate Bunny

Bob and Kosta were walking on the sidewalk. Well Bob and Kosta weren’t very smart. Well as I was saying when they were walking they saw the chocolate bunny melted in the sun. Bob thought it fell from the sky. But Kosta new that it was silly. Bob wanted to eat it. Then Kosta said “no it is dirty.” Then Isaak walked by and picked it up suspiciously then walked off. Then Bob said to Isaak” have a great lunch.” Kosta thought that he was weird like really weird. Kosta said” stop acting weird.” Then Bob said” let’s play!” Kosta ran away.

by Zachary


…the chocolate rabbit melted in the sun…
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2 Responses to The Melting Chocolate Bunny

  1. Hannah (100WC Team) says:

    Hi Zachary, I really enjoyed reading your 100WC entry! Your use of different and interesting names in the story is great, along with your vocabulary. I liked how your whole piece of writing revolved around the theme of the chocolate rabbit too. Keep up the great work!

  2. karen lasiter says:

    i like your story zackary

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