The Explosion

The Explosion

One time a green mouse came to our world. I and my friends, Nate, and Elliot heard the tiny mouse talk to us, asking us to come help him.
On a magical island there was a golden piano. There was a fight about who got the gold because everyone was poor. The next day we packed our stuff: the tent and c-four. We got on the plane, waited to get there, and set up the tent.
When we got there, there was a big fight. We decided to blow the piano up. When it exploded we said sorry. Then everyone got some gold

by Junior

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4 Responses to The Explosion

  1. Mrs. P says:

    Where would you get C-Four? Wouldn’t you worry about hurting the little people who lived on the little island? I mean gold is nice and everything, but it wouldn’t be worth it if someone got hurt.

  2. 044112 says:

    it was a fake story,besidesi i could only write 100 words

  3. 045819 says:

    TO JUNIOR: why did you help? so did anyone get hurt or were they imortal its pretty intense. how did the mouse get there on a green leaf.
    your friend Justin
    happy 100wc

  4. 044594 says:

    nice story jr please make some more ffffuuunnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy stories

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