The Lost Car

Once upon a time a long ago lost car was found to have a virus. The CIA took over the case for the car was deathly and many would die. The CIA was looking for convincing evidence because it was a very important case. The criminal made the car small so the car would explode when someone touched the car with their bare hands. So this was a terrorist case.

The car was found by the zookeeper near the lions. The zookeeper took it out with gloves and gave it to the CIA; they investigated and found someone:
Jeffery Gabe

To be continued!

Posted in 100wc, Elementary | 1 Comment

Polly the Parrot

A parrot named Polly lived at the zoo. He had a blue Mohawk and he could say “Polly wants a cracker.”

Polly was a good bird. He got a comb one day because he was good. He liked his new comb he brushed his Mohawk every day for people to see him at the zoo. He got fed seeds every day too.

One day he dropped his comb outside the cage. He could not reach his comb but then a little girl picked up the comb and gave it back to him. He was very happy he said, thank you ma’am.

By Isabelle

Posted in 100wc, Elementary | 1 Comment

Boring Lily

One day at the Night Zoo there was a boring monkey named Lily. Everyone hated Lily because she was so boring. The workers brought a boring mirror to Lily to see how she would react. They watched nothing happened. So the workers brought in more stuff like paint, a shirt, and a book. Lily took the paint and started painting the mirror. When she was done she loved what she did! She looked in the mirror every day. People started liking Lily they didn’t think she was boring. They thought she was cool because she had a talent.

by Elizabeth

Posted in 100wc, Elementary | 5 Comments


Dear Mr. Night Zoo Keeper Bob,

Remember the tiny cat pen with its ears, head and legs sticking out? When it changes to the colors of the pen (pink, white, silver, gray and black) the things on the pen change.

Remember how we found it? A kid was walking in the zoo. He was playing with the pen and dropped it. The pen started scampering around and drawing, making the zoo beautiful and lively. I looked around, the zoo looked awesome; pictures and lovely walls were everywhere.

I was heartbroken when he came back and took the pen.



Posted in 100wc, Elementary | 4 Comments

The Mysterious Crashed Car!

Dear Night Zookeeper,

One day in Springfield our good zoo was there. A lot of trustworthy people were visiting when you, the Night Zookeeper, said it was time to get going so they left.

Then that very cold night a new car was driving with two people coming home from the store and then the really tired people feel asleep and the car crashed into the big zoo! They crashed into the lion’s river. Sadly the hungry lions ate the innocent people.

The wrecked car was in the deepest depth of the lion’s River. It was seriously twenty feet deep.


Posted in 100wc, Elementary | 2 Comments

100 wc Elena

All I saw were two red eyes on the foot of my bed. I scream and pull my feet away. The eyes move even closer! It touched me, I scream so loud. I didn’t look up I was so, so scared so jumped out of bed. I tried to pull the door open but the door was locked and jammed like this was planned. My parents were laughing on the outside of my door. I turned around to see my brother and his new red glowing eyes in relief I sighed this was just a prank. Then to see him laughing.

Posted in 100wc, Secondary | 4 Comments

100 word challenge, by Anastacia

I was strolling home one evening I felt eyes on me. Not just regular eyes, but abnormal eyes that felt like ‘I’m going to hurt you.’ I wondered why I felt the abnormal eyes on me. I took a shortcut home. It was through a dark alley, no light to illuminate the path. Then something reached out of the darkness and grabbed me. I screamed. But no one could hear me. I was unaccompanied, no one nearby me. I peered up and all I could see were two red eyes staring at me, like I was something to devour. Perhaps I am. I let out a blood-curdling shriek.

Posted in 100wc, Secondary | 5 Comments

Saved by the Alarm!

I was running. I didn’t know where I was going except away. I slowed and turned around to see if it was still there. All I could see was two red eyes.  I started to walk backwards slowly. The thing kept coming closer. Suddenly I could see it. It was the gingerbread man! I screamed, then turned around and ran as fast as I could! It had to be gingerbread man! I ran into darkness, I didn’t know where. I just ran.  I had to keep away. It was certain death. Suddenly there was a ringing, my alarm! Whew! It was just a dream. I’m safe for now.

Posted in 100wc, Secondary | 1 Comment

What Am I?

I’m in Mrs. Stading’s room. I’m fat and fake weird. I’m funny but a little scary to look at. I can see you and you can see me. Someone make me and one of the colors I have on me are blue​​​​​​​WHAT IS IT!!!!!!
By Justina

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Christmas Temperature

Soon it was christmas then the temerature suddenly dropped and the weather was colder so we went to go buy a nice big tree for chrismas or els we wont celabrate chirstmas and it wont be fun.The next day it was christmas and the weather got warmer and we starded to open the presents and the presents we got was a lot then we went outside and played then we went to school and a lot of people told me that tommorow will be a very cold day when school was over i was worried so i went to play at home.When it was night i prayed so the weather would’nt be wors.The next day outside was warm and hot i was so proud and i coud’nt baleeve my dream came true.

by Feonilla

Posted in 100wc, Elementary | 3 Comments